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Last updated
Janction testnet is now live! The ID of the chain is 679 and can be easily found here: The system is developed using Optimism's OP stack. The OP stack is a popular system for creating new L2 blockchains, meaning production-quality Optimistic Rollup blockchain, which fits very well with Janction's goal. The testnet is using Sepolia's Testnet as the Settlement Layer with chain id: 11155111.
The links to the WS and HTTP respectively are:
Please use the explorer of the Janction testnet in order to see live statistics of the running testnet as well as see and search blocks and transactions. Link is here:
Some additional information about the node:
op-node is version 1.10.3
op-geth is version 1.101411.6
l1-op-contracts is version 1.8.0-rc.4
l2-op-contracts is version 1.7.0-beta.1+l2-contracts
genesis file can be found here:
rollup config can be found here:
We offer a bridge application here: This application is used to send tokens from Sepolia Testnet to Janction Testnet or the opposite. This is useful if you want to start using the Janction Testnet and you have to send some tokens in order to use it.
First, connect your wallet by using the "connect" button at the top right corner. Now, you can connect any wallet you want from the list. After connecting your wallet, you will see the two new buttons at the top right corner have appeared. The first button is to switch to a different networks and the second button is your wallet.
Now, we have to pick the source and the target networks, "From" and "To" respectively. We basically have two options:
Either send ETH from Sepolia Testnet to the Janction Testnet. This is the default one, as users typically have Sepolia ETH that they want to use inside the Janction Testnet.
Send tokens from the Janction Testnetto the Sepolia Testnet.
To change between the two options, you can use the "From" or "To" buttons. These buttons will switch your preference.
Then, we have to enter the amount of tokens we want to transfer. For the present, the only available token is ETH, but in the future, we could have another token to transfer between the networks. Keep in mind that the app conveniently tells us how much of the selected token type we have available in our wallet to transfer. After adding the amount that we want to transfer we will see two things:
A new bubble appears that shows us information about the transfer we picked. This information is a summary of the transfer as well as some extra information like the gas fee needed and the estimated amount of time for the transaction to be completed.
The main button changes to reflect the action that we can do. If we have sufficient funds in our wallet, then the button is changed to black color and says "Review bridge". Otherwise, the button is gray with the text "Insufficient funds", indicating that we cannot make the transfer because we don't have the necessary tokens in our wallet. If that is the case, either pick a smaller amount or add more tokens to your wallet in order to finish the transaction.
(OPTIONAL) The "gear" button is the "settings" of the app in order to change your preferences.
(OPTIONAL) The "clock" button is the "activity" of yours. This is a list of transactions that you have done and are kept as a form of history.